Tuesday, 26 January 2016

How to Use Chin Up Bar in Singapore

Do you have a pull-up or chin up bar? Then you already have everything you will need for a great workout! Use the bar and your bodyweight to work all the muscles in your body by doing push-ups, lunges, squats, and all the other "push" exercises that can help you sculpt chest, tricep, shoulder, and leg muscles. Your pull-up bar also allows you to give your "pull" muscles—namely your back and biceps—a full workout. You can even do all sorts of abs exercises with your chin up bar. Here are just some ideas: 

Here are five awesome exercises to do on the pull-up bar, whether you are working out in a gym or at your home in Singapore:

·         Pull-Ups -Grip the chin bar with hands. Note that your palms should be facing away and your hands spread shoulder width apart. Pull yourself up so that your chin touches the bar. Lower. Repeat.

·         Chin-Ups –Focusing on your biceps, this move involvesgriping the he bar with your hands, your palms facing towards you. Pull upward and feel your biceps curl. This exercise also works out your anterior deltoids.

·         Toes Above Bar - Do this of your want to tone your core. Hang from the bar. Bring your legs up and touch the bar with your feet while keeping your legs perfectly straight. Slowly lower and then repeat.

·         Knee Raises -If toes above the bar is too hard for you, start with this exercise. Hang from the chin up bar and let both legs hang down. Then, engage your abdominals to bring your knees up to your chest. Slowly lower your knees until your legs are hanging down once again.

·         The Climber Pull-Up – This is the exercise for those looking to go hardcore.Start with a regular pull-up. Before you lower yourself, try to shift your weight to left, and then to the right. This move is incredibly difficult to do, but it's perfect for building strong arm, back, and shoulder muscles.

Buy Foam Roller in Singapore at the Best Price

A good quality foam roller is essential in self-myofascial release or SMR, as it lets you target overworked or tensed muscles. It can essentially allow you to give yourself a deep-tissue massage without having to go to a licensed massage therapist. You use your body weight to put pressure on and release the tension from your hips, legs, arms, back, and other parts of your body. You can also use it to increase your core stability and balance. Foam rollers are widely available in sports specialty shops in Singapore but if you want the best prices, then order them online.They come in different shapes, foam types, and costs. 

Determine how you intend to use the foam roller so you can purchase one that fits your needs. Will you be using it for tissue massage primarily, or for exercises such as core training and balance? A half-round foam roller may help improve your balance as you stand on it.  Physical therapists in Singapore often use this type of foam roller to enhance ‘proprioception’ of patients who are recovering from injuries to ankles or knees.Half-round foam rollers may also be recommended for elderly people as well as those with low strength and muscle tone. These foam rollers do not move easily when laid flat side down, so even those with little tone can comfortably move back and forth on these rollers as they grow more comfortable with using them.

Firmness is another factor to consider. Foam rollers are usually colour-coded according to their firmness, with white rollers being the softestand black ones being the firmest. If you are a beginner, go for a white foam roller. It is less dense and is designed toallow some movement between your muscles, your bones, and the roller while producing less pain and pressure. Go for a medium lightly-coloured foam roller if you are seeking medium pressure and advanced core stabilization. You can buy green or blue foam rollers in Singapore online. These rollers are the most commonly used types in Pilates classes. Finally, choose a black roller if you prefer hard pressure. Most black foam rollers are made of the same polyethylene foam used in white and light coloured versions, but are ‘closed cell’ and typically manufactured using high heat. This makes them smoother, less porous, and denser.