Monday 26 March 2018

The Exercise Resistance Bands - Things You Need to Know About

Are you aware of exercise resistance bands or are you unsure about how to use them? Are you in doubt regarding their effectiveness in achieving your goals? Can it really help you to lose that extra flab? Does it suit your body type? All your questions regarding the exercise resistance bands will be answered in the article.

What are exercise resistance bands?
These bands are basically tubes of elastic and made of latex. They are come in different forms such as some are available with attached handles or formed into loops. They are used to lose muscular strength and build up stamina and endurance therefore helping you to tone and get your desired shape.

How do these work?
As the name suggests, these bands create resistance to the movements just like when you work with weights. Instead of going with the gravity, it goes against it. This resistance helps you to achieve that lean figure you had in mind. Also the resistance is variable resistance because more you stretch, more resistance you create which creates variation in the resistance, thus the name variable resistance.

Different Kinds of Exercise Resistance Bands
Yellow Bands: This is for the beginner level. They are easy to use and are ideal for those are undergoing physiotherapy or want to work their small muscles such as rotator cuff in the shoulder.

Green and Red: This is for the intermediate level. They are used for high repetition such as more than 15 reps. This is what you would like to train your triceps and biceps with!

Dark Blue: This is for the advanced level and is used for lunges, shoulder presses and squats.
The exercise resistance bands are the best if you want the all-in-one workout equipment. You have the option to use it either at home or in the gym you usually work out in. So even if you are travelling but do not want to skip out on your workout sessions then this is the best thing to ever happen to you. It is perfect for those both men and women who are working towards losing weight or aiming to get leaner. It is also good for the body builders and also for those who are in rehab. It is also known by different names such as training bands, stretch bands among many others. Check them out now!

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