As the name implies, refurbished treadmills are used units that are remanufactured and fixed to sell them lower than their original market price. They do look like a brand-new unit, which makes them better than used or second-hand units. But these are not everything there is to know about refurbished treadmills.
Refurbished treadmills are disassembled and reconstructed to some degree to make them look brand new once more. The frames are often repainted or resprayed. The handlebars may also be replaced, making it sometimes difficult to tell which between two kinds is refurbished or not.
Aside from this, refurbished treadmills often have no warranty or very limited warranty. Most of the parts may be unused. Still, they are old and are more prone to getting damaged, so don't be too surprised if one or two parts of the treadmill break after a few uses. Simply put, refurbished treadmills are just not as good as you hope they would be -- despite their appearance.
If you are determined to buy refurbished treadmills, follow these tips.
• Check the model of the treadmill. Researching about the model of the treadmill is important as some sellers won't say how long the unit has been used. By checking the model, you can find out the year it is manufactured.
• Know what company remanufactured the treadmills. If you are buying straight from the manufacturer, then you can guarantee that they are refurbished with quality assurance.
• Opt for refurbished treadmills with warranty. Know also what the warranty covers. Typically, refurbished units from manufacturers include as much as 90 days of warranty.
All this said, brand new treadmills are the best option for most people. Buying from reputable shops gives you the confidence and peace of mind that your treadmill is durable and is made of high-quality materials. And with the wide range of units available today, you can surely find the one that suits your budget.